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Facts and Figures 2005–06


2005–06 Revenue (by source)
Source Support (in millions of $) % Change from previous year % of all revenue
State revenue
General program appropriations 255.1 −1.7 12
Specific purpose 151.8 37.9 7.2
Total state revenue 406.9 10.1 19.2
Other revenue sources
Student tuition revenue 314.1 5.8 14.9
Federal programs and projects 653.3 24.1 30.1
Gifts, grants, and segregated funds 396.1 6.37 18.7
State laboratory fees 24.8 3.8 1.2
Auxiliary enterprises 261.5 −10.7 12.4
Operations receipts 61.4 288.6 2.9
Total other revenue 1711.2 10 80.1
Total All Revenue 2118.1 11.6 100

Source: Office of Budget, Planning and Analysis

This chart shows the percentage of total revenue (rounded to the nearest whole number) for 2005–06 provided by each source (see preceding data table).


2005–06 Budget Allocation (by program)
Program Support ($ in millions) % Change from previous year % of Total Revenue
Academic missions
Instruction 428.7 7.6 20.0
Research 857.2 16.9 40.5
Public service 45.2 21.2 2.0
Academic support 140.3 5.3 6.6
Academic debt service 51.2 20.8 2.4
Total academic missions 1,522.6 13.2 71.9
Student support
Student services 134.4 4.8 6.3
Financial aid 86.6 −4.2 4.1
Total student support 221.0 1.1 10.4
Enterprise operations
Farm operations 10.2 3.0 <0.5
Auxiliary enterprises 96.1 1.2 4.5
State laboratories 39.6 7.6 1.9
Other 36.0 −20.2 1.7
Total enterprise operations 181.9 −2.6 8.6
Physical plant 134.8 42.9 6.4
Institutional support 57.8 7.6 2.7
Total Support 2,118.1 11.6 100

Source: Office of Budget, Planning and Analysis

This chart shows the percentage of total budget allocation to each major program (rounded to the nearest whole number) for 2005–06. The chart is a visual representation of the fourth column (% of Total Revenue) in the preceding data table.
The UW–Madison Community(as of Fall 2005)
Group Number
Enrolled students 41,480
Undergraduate students 28,458
Freshmen 5,862
Sophomores 6,031
Juniors 7,181
Seniors 9,384
Graduate students 8,841
Professional students 2,532
Employees 13,816
Faculty 2,064
Living alumni 356,077
Student Profile
Category Number
Men 19,510
Women 21,970
From Wisconsin 25,406
U.S. states represented 50
Countries represented 120
Entering freshmen
Average composite ACT 27.5
Average SAT 1261
Average high school class percentile rank 88.5
Type Number
Undergraduate majors 160
Master’s degree programs 155
Doctoral and professional programs 110
Courses offered 4,408
Number of course sections 14,083
Classroom space (square feet) 495,586
Instructional lab space (square feet) 333,539
Research lab space (square feet) 1.2 million
Campus libraries 43
Volumes in campus libraries 7.8 million
Number of DoIT computer labs 13
Average Student Costs (in dollars)
Item Cost
Resident fees and tuition 6,284
Room and board 6,500
Books and supplies 860
Miscellaneous and personal
(includes travel, clothing, recreation, etc.)
Resident undergraduate $15,994
Nonresident undergraduate $29,994

Average Time to Degree and Graduation Rates

This chart shows the average time (within six years after entering as new freshmen) to degree and graduation rate for students entering as freshmen from 1979 to 1998. This document contains no data tables to accompany this graphic. In brief, the chart shows the two following trends: 1) since 1978, the average time to degree has dipped slightly from about 4.33 to 4.17 years; 2) During this same period, the graduation rate has climbed from about 61% to just under 80%.

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