
From Chancellor David Ward

From School of Education Dean Charles Read

Student Learning Enrichment and Enhancement Programs
In UW-Madison in 1996 delivered more than 60 learning enrichment and enhancement programs to more than 14,000 Madison-area elementary and secondary students. This section highlights some of these programs.

Preservice Teacher Education Programs
A strong partnership between the School of Education one of the top teacher programs in the nation and Madison-area school districts is improving the quality of preservice teacher education programs, as shown through these examples.

Curriculum Development and Staff Professional Development Programs
UW-Madison provides curriculum development and continuing education programs that bring the latest research on teaching and learning to professionals in area schools. In light of rapid changes in the field of education, UW-Madison also has developed professional development programs to improve the performance of school staff. This section highlights examples of both curriculum development and staff professional development programs.

Teacher Research and Inquiry Programs
Historically, most educational inquiry and research was conducted in universities by faculty; now participants in a university-school partnership are becoming involved in research designed to enhance learning for all students. This section presents a sample of these teacher research and inquiry programs.

Community Service Programs
Community service and outreach to schools and the community are major initiatives at UW-Madison. This section highlights just a few of the many community service programs sponsored by UW-Madison in 1996.

Partnership Program Name and Contacts