Second-Year Progress Report
Priority: Recruit and retain the best faculty and staff, and reward merit. Enhance diversity in order to ensure excellence in education and research.
- Developed new tools to recognize faculty accomplishments and align faculty pay with performance throughout the career cycle, including promotion to associate professor or full professor.
- Faculty-retention funding and internal reallocation are being used to keep our university competitive and to enhance diversity.
- The Big Learning Event brought together faculty, staff, and some of the nation’s brightest minds from disparate disciplines in an experimental idea lab.
- Ninety-five percent of graduates of PEOPLE, one of the most successful diversity pipelines to higher education in the nation, continue their education beyond high school. In fall 2011, 87 graduates of the program are incoming freshmen at UW–Madison.
- The Posse Program expanded by adding a STEM Posse from New York, making UW–Madison’s program the largest in the nation.
- Merit-based scholarships noted earlier in this report are aimed at helping to recruit and retain high-achieving and underrepresented students.
- More than 28,000 prospective students participated in hosted tours of campus.
- Our diversity and climate efforts have undergone a transformation with several programs now reporting to the campus’s chief diversity officer.
Supporting charts
Note: If you are unable to read the charts below, please contact the Office of Quality Improvement. Staff there will help explain the content of any chart in this progress report.